4th RECBE Meeting

4th RECBE Meeting

4th RECBE meeting, The Building Society, 55 Whitfield Street, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 4AH, 27th February 2020

Towards zero carbon & Built Environment Circularity in a net-zero world


13.30 Registration and coffee

14.00 – Welcome – Jonathan Cullen (University of Cambridge) – recording

14.10 – Session I: “Towards zero carbon”

  1. Cyrille Dunant – “Absolute zero: material efficiency in construction, options and challenges” (University of Cambridge) – recording
  2. Chris Wise – “Cultural and commercial: private and corporate” (Expedition)
  3. Orlando Gibbons – “How to walk before you learn to run – IStructE’s embodied carbon calculation principles for structural engineers” (ARUP) – recording
  4. Discussion

15.10 – Coffee

15.30 – Session II: “Built Environment Circularity in a net-zero world”

  1. Jonathan Cullen – “Funding opportunities, and how RECBE can assist?” (University of Cambridge)
  2. Danielle Densley-Tingley & Rick Lupton – “CircBE Centre Proposal Outline” (University of Sheffield & University of Bath) 
  3. Jonathan Cullen & Danielle Densley-Tingley – “How can Companies get involved?” (University of Cambridge, University of Sheffield)
  4. Discussion 

Danielle Densley-Tingley and Jonathan Cullen are leading a proposal for a £4m Circular Economy Centre, called CircBE: Catalysing Circularity in the Built Environment. The proposal has made it through to the second round (1 of 18 out of 85 applicants) and we look forward to sharing the details of this project and how you might engage.

16.45 – Timeline & Next Steps

17.00 – Continued discussions at local pub